Siana Law provides prudent and aggressive legal counsel to Coatesville’s public and private employers. The Firm’s labor and employment law group has a wealth of experience serving Coatesville employers who face claims from present and past employees, including discrimination, harassment, and hostile work environment. Its attorneys have successfully represented Coatesville employers in federal and state court as well as before the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission, and Boards of Arbitration.
The Firm emphasizes the importance of effectively managing risk through the implementation of sound personnel and administrative policies and procedures and the training of supervisory employees on proper management.
The labor and employment law group advises and defends clients in numerous matters that include:
- Federal and State Non-discrimination Statutes
- First Amendment Retaliation and State Whistleblower Laws
- Procedural and Substantive Due Process
- Act 111 Police and Fire Bargaining
- Civil Service
- Restrictive Covenants
- Collective Bargaining & Grievances
- Wage Issues (Minimum Wage, Overtime, Collection)
- Risk Management Strategies – Personnel Policy Manual Audits & In-Service Training of Staff