Building Trust In Law Enforcement – Recommendations for Local Elected Officials On Constitutional Policing and Transparency By Christopher P. Gerber, Esquire

In the wake of recent events, which have spurred protests, riots, and an apparent loss of confidence in law enforcement, it is critical for local elected officials to take immediate action to ensure that police services are provided in accordance with the United States Constitution and federal and state law. In an arena that involves…

The Dos and Don’ts of Social Media Policy for Employers – Part 2 by Eric M. Brown, Esquire

The First Amendment and Governmental Entities   The First Amendment poses a special concern to governmental entities seeking to regulate comments and messages made by both the general public as well as public employees on social media platforms. These entities should identify the governmental interest(s) in support of any limitations the policy imposes on the…

The Do’s and Don’ts of Social Media Policies for Employers – Part 1 by Eric M. Brown, Esquire

Every employer should adopt a social media policy to govern employee use of both business and personal social media platforms. The importance of such policies has been highlighted by recent stories in news concerning the conduct of employees on social media, which show that even good employees sometimes post unprofessional or offensive comments. Prompt action…