Siana Law Attorneys to Speak at PAMA Conference

Siana Law attorneys Michael G. Crotty and Christopher P. Gerber are proud to participate in the 59th Annual Pennsylvania Association of Municipal Administrators (PAMA) Conference, August 12th – 15th at the Desmond Hotel in Malvern, PA. They look forward to presenting on the following topics* on Tuesday, August 14th, 2018: 2018 Trends in Municipal Law…

Christopher P. Gerber | Siana Law Attorneys at Law

Christopher P. Gerber, Esquire Presents Police Liability Training Session

Christopher P. Gerber, Esquire presented a training session entitled, Police Liability: Operational and Personnel Issues, at the Spring 2018 Annual Conference of the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors (“PSATS”). The purpose of the program was to raise awareness among elected officials, managers, chiefs of police and solicitors regarding personnel and operational issues that result in costly litigation and…

Eric M. Brown, Esquire Addresses Social Media Use by Municipalities in Webinar

On February 14, 2018, Siana Law Partner, Eric M. Brown, Esquire discussed social media usage by municipalities during a live webinar presented by Strafford Publications. He identified best management practices to consider when developing social media policies; the parameters within which a municipal employer may regulate the social media conduct of public employees both on…